Children and Youth

We welcome children and older youth (teenagers) as an important part of our church family. Many events include children and youth groups, together with adults of all ages.
Creche (UP TO 3 YEARS)
We meet in the Lower Lounge, and have a range of suitable toys, activities and music. Parents and carers are very welcome to bring their children and stay with them. The main service can be followed via a live stream on a TV link.
JIGSAW stands for Jesus In Games, Stories and Worship. We have an adventure each Sunday exploring what it means to be young and Christian at home and at school. We have a lively discussion and practical application of the Bible’s teaching.
YPF (11+)
Young people have sharp minds and an amazing ability to learn. At High Road we consider them not only to be the church of tomorrow but of today. Using study guides designed for teenagers we prepare engaging studies led by our youth worker.
AMPED youth group 6.45PM